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Professional Development Plan

Short Term

My professional development plan is based on current and future ACPA and NASPA competencies. My short term goals are a mix of competencies I hope to master in the near future and ones I hope to gain experience and competency of in the years following my graduation. Short term, I am working to master foundational level competencies. These goals inform and influence my long term goals as a foundation of my skills and professional focus.

Professional Goals

Action Plan

Advising and Supporting


  • Engagement in research and publication of holistic student wellness issues

  • Mentor and coach students and staff

  • Connect with colleagues of similar interests to work on research and publications

  • Actively create a culture with students that encourages them to work through conflict and share their ideas

Social Justice and Inclusion


  • Engagement in research and publication of diverse and equity-minded issues

  • Identify and remove systemic barriers to social justice and inclusion


  • Seek out opportunities to work on a research project and publish the results

  • Assess current departmental practices and student data for inequity


  • Provide development opportunities needed by student staff

  • Identify basic fundamentals of teamwork and team building in one’s work setting and communities of practice

  • Identify the individual goals of and supervision relationship needed for each student

  • Volunteer for leadership roles within professional associations that will teamwork and leadership skills

Long Term

My long term goals are broad and open-minded. I am not one to have a laid out plan and think all things happen accordingly. Instead I like to have a rough outline of goals and plans and let the world take me where I am needed. In the long term, this is my strategic approach to begin to master the APCA and NASPA competencies at the intermediate and advance levels. 

Professional Goals

Action Plan

Assessment, Evaluation, and Research


  • Continually gain experience with tools and strategies

  • Continually improve my future department and school

  • ​Seek out training and professional development to increase my understanding of assessment tools at the national and local level

  • Work with colleagues to use skills to focus on continual office improvement


  • Continually develop and enhance my leadership skills for the betterment of my staff, students, and department

  • Establish a culture that promotes leadership development and mentoring

  • Attend professional opportunities and collaborate with other leaders at the local and national level

  • Establish a culture that promotes opportunity for mentorships, advocating for my team, and having an open line of communication

Social Justice and Inclusion

  • Ensure campus resources are distributed equitably and adequately meet the needs of all campus communities

  • Create a climate of equity and growth for student, staff and faculty

  • Collaborate with specialists to assess the campus climate for students, staff, and faculty

  • Continually improve personal professional development and departmental practices for the betterment of students and staff

Professional Engagement

Continuing personal education and professional development is necessary in any profession. When working in education, it is almost hypocritical not to. We work to provide and support holistic education for our students because of its importance, so I will not forget how important it is for me as well. Engagement in professional organizations and development is important to furthering my skills and knowledge of higher education and my role within it. 


My current experience with professional engagement outside of the attendance of conferences and professional development opportunities, is working with the Indiana Student Affairs Association conference on the planning committee. It is a regional conference that allows for professional and graduate students to learn and present new topics and ideas. I love the work that regional professional engagement does, able to structure itself around the community and student population. I plan on becoming involved in a regional professional associations. I hope to continue my participation in the planning and general attendance of professional engagement opportunities in order to continue to grow professionally throughout my entire career.

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