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Spiritual but not Religious Student Development Model at Religiously Affiliated insitutions

This article focuses on the development of spiritual but not religious students at religiously affiliated institutions. Read more to learn about the history, current practices, and future ideas for this population of students. I explain how spiritual but not religious students still need and crave spiritual development that is often offered at religiously affiliated institutions, but they are not getting it because they are not a part of a religious organization. Working on this theory creation allowed me to focus on a population I find extremely important and interesting - those who are spiritual but not religious. Spending my undergraduate education at a religiously affiliated institution has given me a passion and interest in understanding religion and spirituality’s role within higher education. 

Examining the Experience of Biracial Black Women in Historically White Greek Letter Organizations

This research project works to provide a platform for the stories of two women. It is currently in works for publication, but you can find our presentation below.

Ducret, V., Fuentes, A. Lannom, T., Mendez, J., & Sollberger, C. (2020, April). Examining the Experience of Biracial Black Women in Historically White Greek Letter Organizations. Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana University, (Pg-pg)


Examining the Experience of Biracial Black Women in Historically White Greek Letter Organizations

Marginalized communities are a main aspect in much of my work because understanding them is the first step to providing necessary support. In this study, my group and I focused on the stories of two biracial women’s experience in historically White Greek letter organizations. We worked to accurately represent their experience and set a foundation for possible change within sorority and fraternity life. I specifically worked to develop our method for study and implication for future practice and research. No individual study is going to be able to provide a platform for every voice, but each new study can provide one more.

Ducret, V., Fuentes, A. Lannom, T., Mendez, J., & Sollberger, C. (2019, December). Examining the Experience of Biracial Black Women in Historically White Greek Letter OrganizationsJournal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana University, PowerPoint presented at class symposium, Indianapolis, IN.

Behind the 'plus:' Queer Students on College Campuses

 As a poster presentation in the 2018 Indiana Student Affairs Association (ISAA) conference, I began my experience in higher education conferences. With this project, my research partner and I were able to focus on a marginalized community we enjoy studying, the LGBTQ+ community. My interest in the support and equitable treatment of marginalized communities is seen throughout my research. I specifically worked to develop a timeline of major events, summarize current diversity and collegiate experience, and implication and strategies for working professionals. Since this presentation I have attended multiple local and national conferences and helped plan the 2019 ISAA conference. 

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