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Technical Tools and Software

Technology is often used in higher education, and it is important to stay current on adoption patterns. I frequently incorporate current technological tools and systems into work and am able to troubleshoot issues as needed. I am adaptable both in face-paced technological change and general fluctuation and changes within higher education. My current office has undergone multiple software changes during my time, and I am often explaining and teaching colleagues how to best utilize for our office and our students.

Data Use and Compliance

Technology is extremely useful and important, but it also needs to be handled with care and precision. I am able to assess accuracy and quality of information, often noticing mistakes or changes that need to be made. Equitable and inclusive technology practices need to be used to ensure all participants can access and utilize tools needed for success. I practice data use and compliance with equity, accessibility, and accuracy in mind. This is exemplified in my documentation practices when working with students.

Digital Identity and Citizenship

Digital identity is important to grow one's professional network and keep up with friends and family. I am able to recognize the balance that needs to be created and demonstrate responsible engagement. I am aware of how my digital identity can affect my relationship with students, and I actively lead responsible digital communication and engagement. I connect with professionals in beneficial networking sites, and I proactively cultivate a digital identity that represents appropriate online behavior.

Online Learning Environments

Online learning is rapidly growing in higher education. As a student I was able to learn about digital learning tools from the perspective of the learner. This allows me to use my knowledge when using the same technology when meeting with students in an online format. I am able to use past experience and current trends to assess the needs of students and colleagues. Doing this, I was able to organize our group advising sessions and help run our online drop-in advising for students of break. This was extremely valuable during our transition to online summer orientation amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

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