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Professional Competencies

In these pages, you will be able to explore my personal competency areas in reference to ACPA and NASPA for student affairs professionals. There are many areas within higher education and student affairs that a professional continues to master throughout their career.


I chose to focus on Advising and Support, Organizational and Human Resources, and Technology. As a professional interested in academic support for students, these competencies are integral to my everyday practices and growth. Advising and support focus on the relationship I will build with students and colleagues, as well as how I will handle crisis. Organizational and human resources will be the basis of my professional growth into high positions that concern hiring, supervision, conflict resolution, networking, advocacy, etc. Technology is continuing to be the forefront of change and growth in education. As seen by the drastic change over the past months due to COVID-19, competencies in the technical side of everyday work like tools and software, data use and compliance, and online learning environments are growing in need drastically. Hover over and click below to learn more.

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