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Advising and Support

Interpersonal Skills

My knowledge of theory and techniques for advising, supporting, and coaching students has been strengthened tremendously over the past couple years. I am able to help others set and achieve goals as well as evaluate what is needed for student success in a culturally inclusive manner. I am able to cultivate trust and understanding when meeting with students. My active listening skills are culturally inclusive and allows for the students to feel heard. I use those skills to assess the developmental needs of my students and prepare advice for further steps accordingly. I use nonverbal communication to support students from various backgrounds as they go through stressful transitions, and my inclusive mindset allows for open communication. During appointments with students, this has allowed me to simultaneously pursue multiple objectives like course planning and connection building at the same time. During a limited amount of time, this can be difficult, but essential for student success.

Professional Development

I am knowledgeable of and follow current laws, techniques, and technology for advising and supporting. 

  • Being knowledgeable of laws and regulations like FERPA, Title IX, and Title VII is essential to advising and supporting students. Helping them know their rights while also ensuring you are respecting all privacy is a must. Maintaining confidentiality but also knowing when and what to report is a fine line because I must know when safety outweighs confidentiality. This had occurred as a mandatory reporter when students have revealed sexual assault or abuse, often a dificult conversation for the student to have.

  • Techniques are ever changing in higher education. I attend additional seminars and training sessions as well as specific professional development conferences or conventions multiple times throughout each semester in order to cultivate my knowledge and skills of current techniques. 

  • I often attend professional development sessions in order to utilize resources, technology, and shared knowledge. My colleagues and I challenge and support one another as techniques, law, and technology are consistanting shifting and evolving, making sure to stay up to date to best support our students. This is seen in our teach back opportunities in meetings as I often bring back knowledge from applicable sessions.

Partnering with Others

Working in a university means one needs to be skilled at partnerships and knowledgeable of resources. I am able to navigate and connect students to resources, and I know when I need to reach out to other departments for questions. I have mentored students formally and informally as they make their way through the university system. I have worked closely with mental health professionals as I make referrals, attend training, and refer students to necessary services. Every appointment I need to access the student issues they have brought forth and recommend the correct resources and provide necessary information. Without working with the other offices and having a strong partnership, I would not be able to reach out as easily or provide as well-rounded support.

Conflict and Crisis Situations

Crisis and conflict are inevitable. I am able to problem solve, mediate, and advocate for my students. I not only problem solve, but I work to facilitate the student’s problem solving, supporting their growing independence and critical thinking skills. I am able to recognize when a student is going through a crisis and use my advising and support skills to make them feel comfortable enough in our conversation to share and work with me to manage the crisis.  My holistic advising model has allowed me to support students in multiple areas in a limited amount of time. There have been a number of times where I have been able to talk about difficult situations, provide resources and support, and be able to fit in course selection for the next semester. But I am also able to recognize when it is not time for course planning and this student needs more time and support than others.

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