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Higher Education Professional

About Me

About Me

HI! My name is Camber Sollberger, and I am a master’s student at Indiana University’s Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) program. My assistantship is through Academic and Career Development at IUPUI. I am a Student Success Advisor, and my role is to support University College students’ success through academic advising, coaching, and support. 


I am gaining work experience in student advising as well as growing multiple areas if higher education and student affairs. I have a passion for equity and student development. Feel Free to check out my resume below.


In my free time you can find me dog sitting, hosting trivia shows, playing video games, and spending time with loved ones. I'd love to get to know you so please reach out!


Student Affairs Philosophy

College is a place of extreme growth and development as it is one of the biggest transitions a student makes. Student affairs professionals must be working to provide the resources, support, and mentoring for holistic growth and development. Since each professional has some form of specialization, it is impossible to be exactly what each student needs every time, but we should be aiming for each of our conversations to be giving room for holistic needs. Holistic growth and development is necessary for the country’s diverse population of students to be healthy and successful.


When I meet with a student, there are many items that need to come out of an advising appointment. My goal is to solely not be prescriptive and only talk about registration, but to be able to talk about multiple aspects of life and how they are affecting the student’s success. The overall idea of success at a university is to graduate with a degree. That is why students come to college and what makes them marketable in their field of choice. The other aspects of university life are extremely important, but mostly because they help the student become a better, more rounded person and help them get to that degree. I meet with probation students weekly not as a punishment or to give them the magic formula to get off academic probation, but because it is shown that frequent, holistic meetings with an advisor increases student success. I want to get to know and assist students as a whole person, because aspects other than academics better describe them and their problems than just their grades.


These conversations are even more important for marginalized populations because of lack of social, cultural, or financial capital. Higher education is designed around inequality, so as a student affairs professional, I have to work to create an equitable environment for the increasingly diverse student population. Access and retention is a constant, ongoing battle within higher education. Support for holistic success is a must in order to increase both aspects. Otherwise, students will fall between the multiple cracks of higher education’s foundation.


Learning from professionals around us is important, but it is also important to bring back new ideas and information. This is why life-long learning is a must for me. Professional development opportunities are invaluable throughout my career and membership of professional organizations that align with one’s values and goals are a huge benefit. I actively engage with my department and professional organizations to allow for personal growth as a professional, in turn becoming a better resource for students. Professional growth through constructive feedback, providing resources, and advancing knowledge are emphasized by professional associations, so it needs to be emphasized in my daily work as well.


Student affairs professionals play an important role in the growth and development of a college student. Education and holistic development is extremely important to me, and it is the foundation of my work and personal education as a professional. I hope to continually learn and grow for the benefit of me and my students, who deserve holistic support from their student affairs team. We want the best for our students, and for that to happen we need to be what is best for them.

Studen Affairs Philosophy
Contact Me

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Phone: (812)989-9421

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